Drive children to school, practice our music songs, and play tonight in the burgh and tomorrow in the Philadelphia. We've been tuning 4 new songs and making them a part of regular performance. They are entitled 'Rainy Day', 'New York', 'I Could', and 'Go Get Her'. Although they may be new material to the universe, 'Rainy Day' and 'I Could' are both songs that Mike wrote over a year ago and demoed in acoustic balladeer fashion, in the strange way things happen they've both become stadium-esque rockers. This tends to happen to material brought to the group, especially when its been aged on the hard disc of the basement recorder like a fine cheese. 'Go Get Her' is the first 28 North song to employ the talk box, and its only describable as the answer to the question what would happen if Hall and Oates and Zapp and Roger met in a darkened ally. Zall and Roates? Happ and Oager?