Monday, June 18, 2012

Pacific Crest Trail Part 2

So, continuing with my reflections on the Pacific Crest Trail...

When trekking on this ole dusty trail, one will encounter several examples of the desert animal and plant life.  I've seen plenty of lizards, rabbits, squirrels, etc.  The usual suspects.  There are also snakes and tarantulas out there without a doubt.  I haven't seen any tarantulas, and though I have a slightly masochistic urge to stumble upon one, it's probably better that I haven't.  And I've only seen two small snakes since being out here for nearly a year.

For a time there was also a stream that ran through a sandy area that leads to the PCT which you can see in the background of the picture at the top.  Abruptly this stream appeared last winter, and abruptly, it has now disappeared.  This makes me sad as it provided a very peaceful, meditative scenery and the soothing, trickling sound that streams are wont to possess.  Why this stream has disappeared and why it appeared in the first place remains a mystery to me.  Rest assured, I will be investigating.

The stream was also home to many tadpoles which I was excited to watch develop into frogs.  Unfortunately, this will not be so and maybe for the better as the croaking of frogs is already quite prominent in the evening without the addition of hundreds of annoying frog progeny.   Regardless, I'm a bit sorrowful that these infant frogs' habitat has vanished inexplicably.  Here's a very brief and shitty video of the tadpoles just to prove I'm not lying:
So I got my hands on a Go-Pro cam, which is a tiny video camera which can be strapped to one's chest.    In the previous blog post I spoke of using one of those "strap-on" cameras (please, don't even go there) to get some better quality footage of the trail scenery.  I did a quick run with it to test out how the footage would look and there are definitely some adjustments to make.  But it's a much nicer camera than an iPhone and the footage will be infinitely more stable.   So I'm gonna get that done and it will be very cool.

I hope you enjoy my amateurish ramblings on the great outdoors, I certainly enjoy experiencing and writing them.  If you'd like to see some more pictures of stuff from the Pacific Crest Trail you can find some here.

Until next time,


Friday, June 15, 2012

Pacific Crest Trail

Apologies for the lack of blogging recently.

Let's just say I've had "blog-bloc".


Anyway, I've got a little something special for you all.  As you may know, we have been stationed in the Los Angeles area for slightly under a year.  We spend plenty of time running around this sprawling town but our actual residence is in Acton, where we get away from the hullabaloo that is L.A.  It is absolutely gorgeous out here in what is appropriately dubbed "Canyon Country".  In fact, right in our backyard is a portion of the Pacific Crest Trail which runs from Mexico to Canada straight through the three west coast states, you can read more about it here.  I like to take hikes on this rugged and challenging trail.  I even made a short video which captures a small piece of the treks that I embark on.  I apologize for the shakiness of the video, I literally was walking and holding my iPhone in front of me.  But I feel the lack of professional camera operation adds to the charm.  The background music is a sample of a couple tunes from our UPCOMING ALBUM  "World On Fire".

I hope to do another more in depth video of my Pacific Crest Trail hike with one of those iso-cam thingies that strap to your chest or face or something.  It'll be fun.

I'll have more on my backyard ramblings soon.

To be continued...

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Weekend Wonders

I know I've been shortly absent from this blog site in regards to my updating.  And I apologize to those of you that may actually read this blog.  If in fact you do read my blog, please feel free to comment or email me at with any concerns or comments.  I'll be happy to absorb any feedback or hate-mail or strange requests.  So please feel free to drop me a line.


Weekends.  We all have them.

Sometimes they are epic, sometimes they pass without the slightest inclination of anything happening.

Regardless of all that, I'd like to share with you a few things we did last weekend.

We were semi responsible adults last weekend as we decided to actually cook breakfast for ourselves.  This meant pounds upon pounds of what I like to call the magical fruit and what is known to most of the general public as....


That's right folks, we love the stuff and here is an example of what happens to our bacon when left unchaperoned:

We also went to Malibu last weekend and had a nice relaxing time at the beach.  I didn't actually take any pictures or videos at the beach but I did get this footage on the way there.  Please excuse my terribly sophomoric content, I can only hope that you, dear reader, can find the humor in the quality of my subject matter.

So that's it for now.  I'll have more fun stuff coming at you soon.
