Tuesday, September 18, 2012

"Bourned To Death"

That's right, I saw Bourne Legacy.  The fourth installment in a series of movies about a group of top-secret "human-based-machine-government-fabricated-warrior-type-things".  In case you are not aware.  This current release stars Jeremy Renner while the previous three Bourne films starred Matt Damon.  To get to the point, I did enjoy the movie.  I appreciated that it basically side-stepped the previous Damon-based storyline which was left open to resolve.  It was good action.  Fun.

The other one's I don't remember liking much.  They were shot and edited into this crazy rapid pace giving cause to make one feel dizzy though the scene is literally a phone conversation.  This fourth flick seemed not to have as much of that?  I'm sure it did, but it was entertaining nonetheless.

Anyway, so you have The Bourne Identity, The Bourne Supremacy, The Bourne Ultimatum, and The Bourne Legacy.  Now, the question is: what is the next installment going to be titled?  What will it be about?

Here are some ideas:

Bourne This Way: In this one we discover that Lady Gaga is actually part of the original Operation Treadstone and she goes AWOL...

Bourne To Run: In this one Matt Damon infiltrates the E Street Band as we discover Sevie Van Zandt is actually a captain in the New Jersey mafia.

Bourne On The Bayou: Cajun style.  Bourne rents a house in the French Quarter and becomes a hipster restaurateur.

Bourne Under A Bad Sign: The time travel installment.  Bourne goes back in time to infiltrate the origins of American blues music.

Bourne Again: In this one, the religious right has planted their own agent inside the CIA and he must be annihilated.

Bourne To Be Wild: The curve-ball.  Starring Tim Robbins as a secret agent disguised as a wild flower expert.

Bourne On The Fourth of July:  Finally, in this one we get Matt Damon AND Tom Cruise together to see who can run the most.

A quick note, and late to the party as always with my outdated commentary; I titled this blog in equal respect to the theme of word play and the cancellation of the great tv series Bored To Death.  I'm sad that this show did not make the cut.  I mean, Schwartzman, Galifinakis, AND Ted Danson (underrated).  Come on!  It's worth another couple seasons for that trifecta alone!  Be that my opinion as it may, sorry to see it go.  

More rambling soon,


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