Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Movie of The Month - Star Trek

I know.  I am really late on this one.  I mean really.  And just in time for the next installment that is being released this weekend.  But of course if you have read any of my previous Movie of The Month posts you will realize that keeping current is of no importance whatsoever.

Any who.  I just watched this flick last week.  And I loved it.  When it first came out everyone I know that saw it gave high marks to the film.  Of course I can see how this movie would have been more enjoyable on the big screen.  Believe you me, I plan on seeing the new one in the theater.

Now, I have never been a big Star Trek fan.  In fact, the extent of my Trek-based experience is limited to catching brief clips of episodes on tv.  And I remember enjoying one of the films from either the late 80's or early 90's where hump-backed whales are involved.  Nevertheless, I do enjoy science fiction and I totally enjoyed this Star Trek movie.

I was aware of Bill Shatner as Captain James T. Kirk and Leonard Nimoy as Spock in the original series and the phrases, "Beam me up Scotty!" and, "Warp speed Mr. Zulu!" are simply unavoidable in today's popular culture.  But besides that, I don't have any more knowledge of the original series.  So, hopefully this does not breed resentment from hardcore Star Trek fans, but I am simply trying to give some love to this quality flick.

So, if you have seen this movie, hope you enjoyed.  If not, hope you do see it and subsequently enjoy.

Also, if you are in the Los Angeles area this Thursday May 16, there is promise of an event that shall certainly exceed the awesomeness of this movie.  That will be our show at The Viper Room!!  This will be our first show with the incredible bass playing talents of one Mark Glinka.  This show promises to be nothing short of epic!!  We will be sharing the stage with wonderful talents 8MM, The Moonbeams, Elle Rae, Open Air Stereo.  Do not miss this show!!

Get tickets while they last! - Tickets/info
Facebook event

Til next time


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