I know I've been shortly absent from this blog site in regards to my updating. And I apologize to those of you that may actually read this blog. If in fact you do read my blog, please feel free to comment or email me at 28northband@gmail.com with any concerns or comments. I'll be happy to absorb any feedback or hate-mail or strange requests. So please feel free to drop me a line.
Weekends. We all have them.
Sometimes they are epic, sometimes they pass without the slightest inclination of anything happening.
Regardless of all that, I'd like to share with you a few things we did last weekend.
We were semi responsible adults last weekend as we decided to actually cook breakfast for ourselves. This meant pounds upon pounds of what I like to call the magical fruit and what is known to most of the general public as....
That's right folks, we love the stuff and here is an example of what happens to our bacon when left unchaperoned:
We also went to Malibu last weekend and had a nice relaxing time at the beach. I didn't actually take any pictures or videos at the beach but I did get this footage on the way there. Please excuse my terribly sophomoric content, I can only hope that you, dear reader, can find the humor in the quality of my subject matter.
So that's it for now. I'll have more fun stuff coming at you soon.
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